32 comments on “How do you know you are looking at art? 2014

  1. I’m just 9 weeks old, so I’m stilling hanging out in the cot, pram or playmat, but I believe the purpose of art production is to engage in the public domain a dialogue within a historical narrative framework via memory. Marginalised by market ideology and neo-colonialism, the practice of art offers multiple entry points that challenge disciplinary boundaries of identity, challenge peoples perceptions and ideologies, cumulating in changing society’s cultural paradigms while creating future Zeitgeists. Just some random insights in between bottles, and can’t wait to get into the finger paint. oops! I think i need a nappy change. VOPL


  2. When I see art it makes me have a bigger passion.
    I think it is art when you see a canvas or on a piece of paper.


  3. Anything can be art. Art can be anywhere. In your garden, on the street, anywhere. Art is what you think of it. To you it may not be art, but to others it might. A leaf could be art, household items could be art, anything. Find your own art. Make your own art.


  4. Look left, there is art, look right, there is art, look behind you, there is art, look in front of you, there is art art is everywhere you just have to think it is there.


  5. Anything can be art as long as you think it is. Like your house could be art or anything. So from my perspective that is art.


  6. Art is everything. Design is art so a car is art. A tv is art so anything is art. A character is art. Everything is art you just don’t know it.


  7. I know I’m looking at art when all the colours burst into my skin and the passion will flow into me to create something new.


  8. art is imagination. If something has imagination it is art. Even the smallest inventions are art because nobody would have thought of them if they didn’t have imagination. Most children see art better than adults do because we think about everything fun and creative were as adults have to be serious and proper. If you feel something when you see it you know it is art because if you feel it you can go into a deep place and become apart of a painting.


  9. Everything you see is some type of art, from trees to paintings. Everything that has colour is art and everything has colour so everything is art. It can be colouful or dull. It can be black or white, red and yellow. Everything and anything can be art.


  10. I think art can be anything, it could be a couch, a light, a computer, ANYTHING!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡ just have a bit of fun with some paint or whatever and you have art. I think it’s like anything because your eyes are like a camera which capture everything.


  11. Mostly everything can be turned into art. It just bounces right at me. I love art, and seeing art. It’s just amazing that people can make such amazing things.


  12. Pretty much everything is art. You can have something like a pattern or a rhythm with shapes on a wall and that can be really artistic.


  13. Art is everywhere. No one can decide what is art and what isn’t art. Everyone has different styles that they like and admire. Art varies all the time and that’s what makes art special.


  14. To me, art is all around you. I know when I can see art because I see it every minute of every day. If we didn’t have art, it would be a very dark life. I think art is crucial to learn because it puts you in a good mood. Art is everywhere, stop and look around you, you’ll see art.


  15. Art is your imagination, you can make anything with art. Art is the world, art is everything. Imagination the world without art. Anything can be art even one tiny dot…..


  16. Art is a mystery. Anything can be art. Art could be right in front of you and you don’t even know, that’s how mysteries art can be.


  17. When colours cover this dull world, you feel that the emptiness inside you has been filled with passion. It’s not about the picture, it’s about the meaning.


  18. You know when you are looking at art when its like saying hi to someone for the first time. When you see a picture you know it is art cause of the feeling you get and the joy of happiness. There are many pictures in the world and you know when one is art cause you can feel it in you soul. You feel good emotions or empty and sadness when you see a painting. You see paintings anywhere but you don’t realise it but it is your mind.


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